Celebrating World Breathing Day with a Free Live Event

A brand new month brings a fun new announcement!

On April 11th, World Breathing Day, I am thrilled to be able to offer a FREE Breathwork event as a way to celebrate .

Saying yes to life can mean many things.

It can mean accepting where you are in this moment. It can mean having an awareness of and accepting the things you can’t change. It might mean embodying those feelings and embracing that you have the power within you to feel, release and transform your feelings. It can mean letting go of expectations and going with the flow. Acknowledging that it's safe to become vulnerable and open yourself up. Creating trust without controlling the outcome.

In my latest book, Thrive: Living A Self-Healed Life, I talk a lot about my Four Pillars of Self-healing and breath is one of my “big four.”

The way we breathe when we are calm is different from the way we breathe when we are angry or upset.

When you change your breathing pattern, you can also change your emotional, physical, and psychological state. It’s all within your control. We can use the breath to get into our nervous system, as well as our immune system, and choose the state we want to be in.

When we control our breath, we choose self-awareness, we choose self-control, but more importantly, we choose to be connected to our own healing energies and be free from our emotional, physical, and psychological pain.

Other Than Keeping Us Alive, What Can Breathwork Do?

5 Benefits Of Breathwork {An Excerpt from my book Thrive: Living A Self-Healed Life}

1. Improves Immunity & Reduces Inflammation

A fast-breathing pattern stimulates the immune system and decreases our inflammatory response. In today’s world, most people have unconsciously developed chronic inflammation, which is the starting point for many diseases such as heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, chronic kidney disease, arthritis, blower diseases and non-alcoholic fatty liver. Lowering our inflammation is hugely beneficial for overall health.

2. Builds Resilience

As we drop our cortisol levels through our breathwork, it creates strength and resilience in different body systems such as the immune, respiratory, and cardiovascular systems. Each time you do breathwork, it’s like lifting weights and training your muscles. You get stronger each time you do a session.

3. Makes You Happy

No kidding, right? We’re all happy to be breathing, but more than that, science is proving that doing breathwork can affect pleasure neurotransmitters like dopamine, and serotonin. People who practice breathwork report having greatly improved moods.

The first time I did a breathwork session with activated breathing patterns, I went in without any expectations. I had the most incredible experience. I felt extreme joy and happiness in every cell of my body, and I continue to feel it in my ongoing practice.

4. Helps in Reversing Chronic Illness

I have seen many witnesses and testimonials of people who have reversed their chronic illnesses, such as multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, Lyme disease, and other autoimmune-related paralysis, type 2 diabetes, depression, and anxiety. I have suffered from both depression and psoriatic arthritis, and I can attest that breathing has been a major catalyst in my healing.

5. Improves Attention and Mental Health

When we breathe from our diaphragm, also known as diaphragmatic breathing, it improves our attention and reduces stress levels. In 2017, the NIH did significant studies that show diaphragmatic breathing significantly decreases negative self-talk and self-image.

Breath is something we all take for granted, but it is also an amazing tool of healing that already exists inside of us.

What to learn more? Then join me on April 11th!

Go here to register and get the details and notifications for this free live event.

Join me on Monday, April 11th to celebrate World Breathing Day for an inspiration live event that will guide us all to align, embody, and transform using the one thing all of us have, our breath. We’ll use our breath to acknowledge our blessings and give thanks for them.

Time: 7 pm Eastern, 6 pm Central, 5 pm Mountain, 4 pm Pacific.

Go here to register and get the details and notifications for this free live event.


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